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K. P. Malone

An Assassination Fails & A Campaign Strategy Collapses

Updated: Aug 6

Amid all the questions and emotions surrounding the assassination attempt of Donald J. Trump on Saturday—three things resonate.

First, the absolute steeliness displayed by Donald J. Trump who raised himself and a defiant fist from the protection of Secret Service agents to reassure Americans that—He. Will. Not. Stop. Fighting.

The second is, last I checked, there are no reports of Trump supporters looting or burning down businesses or whole neighborhoods.

The third has to do with the undeniable truth that the Mainstream Media are nothing short of colossal liars.

Immediately after the shooting, which resulted in grazing Trump’s right ear, the death of a bystander and two others being critically injured, the left-wing media outlets began misreporting what was clearly an assassination attempt. One CNN reporter said, “the shooter was killed before he could hit Trump.” A CNN headline read, “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally.” The Washington Post headline read, “Trump leaves rally after loud noises erupt.” And Newsweek’s headline read, “MAGA responds with outrage after Donald Trump injured at Pennsylvania rally.”

You could attribute the headlines of these professional media outlets to bad reporting were it not for the continuous vicious attacks which began the day Trump stepped off the elevator in 2015.  

The Washington Post recently ran an article titled, “It’s Okay to Compare Trump to Hitler.” Newsweek negatively labeled Trump supporters as, “The Enemy Within.” The New Republic featured Trump with a Hitler mustache and the headline, “American Fascism.” The New Yorker published a cartoon of Trump goosestepping in military uniform. While New York magazine depicted Trump as a pig.

The vitriol is not limited to the media. On a recent call to a group of donors, Biden said, “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” Representative Dan Goldman said of Trump, “he is destructive to our democracy and he has to be eliminated.” After the assassination attack, Colorado Democrat Steven Woodrow said, “The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are.” Senator London Lamar stated, “The extremism from the MAGA regime has brought us to this moment.” Rick Wilson said, “go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump,” while nine Democrat lawmakers, led by Benny Thompson, introduced a bill to remove President Trump’s Secret Service protection.

Other public statements about doing violence to Trump include Robert De Niro: slugging his face; Kathy Griffin: decapitation; Mickey Rourke: clubbing; Snoop Dogg: shooting; Anthony Bourdain: poisoning; George Lopez: bounty killing; Pearl Jam: eating his corpse; Madonna: blowing him up; Rosie O’Donnell: throwing him over a cliff; Johnny Depp: killing him.

On Saturday, the endless fomentation of hate manifested itself in a young man who attempted to assassinate Trump.

Initially, the media worked desperately to separate themselves from their own rhetoric. CBS’s Margaret Brennan and MSNBC’s Jen Psaki, presuming to possess the moral high ground, see a need for both sides to tone down the rhetoric.

Those on the Left, calling for both sides to tone it down, must begin by owning their relentless, unbridled vitriol aimed at Donald Trump. While a few crazies on the fringe Right spew hatred, they are without institutional power. But the Left—which includes the media, government, and Hollywood—combine their platforms and immense resources to collectively amplify their hatred for Donald Trump while frequently comparing him to Adolph Hitler.

Consider the absurdity of comparing a former President, whose policies and constitutional leadership brought unprecedented security and prosperity to this nation, to a maniac responsible for the deaths of over 15 million people.

The campaign strategy of the Left rests solely on false accusations aimed at Trump. They know they can’t win with Biden’s record. The vilification of Trump is all they have. But now they have a serious problem. The gig is up.

On Saturday, every voter witnessed the fruit of their deranged duplicity. But more importantly, they saw Trump’s face streaked with the blood from an assassin’s bullet—his warrior fist raised defiantly shouting—Fight! Fight! Fight!  

“Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result.” ~ Winston Churchill

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